
What does W.O.A.H. stand for?

Work Out At Home. Simple as that.

This site was born out of a love for working out and exercising our wonderful bodies without going to the gym. But it didn’t start that way. In fact, I hated exercise when I started.

But after years of yo-yo dieting – losing weight only to gain it all back plus a few pounds more – I hit an all-time high of 267 lbs. I was pre-diabetic, had developed hypertension, and worst of all, I was always tired and had no self esteem.

I needed to change.

My doctor, while he really wanted me to lose weight, felt I needed to deal with my nasty 30-a-day smoking habit first. I did, but not before gaining another 15 lbs – raising my all-time high weight to 282 lbs. I was miserable, but at least I’d kicked the worst of my bad habits.

From that point on, I modified my diet to include mostly vegetables and fruits supplemented with whole grains and lean meats. I focused on my eating habits, portion control, and I’d let myself have a small treat every day. I had to let myself eat in a healthier manner that I would be able to sustain for the rest of my life. That meant no more deprivation or counting or anything else that would eventually become frustrated with and five up on. It was hard, but I had to come up with compromises that I could work with.

And I started exercising. Alot. Every day for at least an hour, and sometimes as much as 3 or 4 hours a day.

But since I was so big and was so embarrassed of my body, there was no way that I was going to work out at the gym. I had to find other ways to work my body hard enough to lose weight while staying comfortably out of sight of anyone else.

And I did – several ways, in fact. I have tried everything from work out machines to work out videos to fitness accessories and gear, and there is a long list of things I would recommend, and things I wouldn’t.

And over the course of trying different things and getting to know a new, lighter and fitter me, I became a bit of an expert on what works and what doesn’t.

This site is dedicated to people who are starting out where I started out. To those who realize that the only way they are going to lead a better life is by incorporating a lot of good daily exercise.

Thanks again for visiting!

Writer and Editor